Meaning of Enso


Enso circle is a sacred circle in the Zen school of Buddhism and is one of the most common subjects of Japanese calligraphy, even though it’s a symbol and not a character.

Enso symbolizes many more things including: strength, elegance, the universe, single mindedness, the state of mind of the artist at the moment of creation and the acceptance of imperfection as perfect. It also represents the oneness of life and all things contained within it, the spirit of harmonious cooperation, personal development and refinement of character, the visible and the invisible, absolute fullness in emptiness, simplicity, completeness, endlessness, perfect harmony, the circle of infinity and the cyclical nature of existence. The ensō is a manifestation of the moment, an expression of absolute enlightenment, a visual manifestation of the Heart Sutra and a representation of our true and innermost self. The enso is a universal symbol of wholeness and completion; “form is void and void is form.” When viewing enso, one can see that that form and void are interdependent and, in fact, define each other. There are so many definitions available, that each of us is truly left with the responsibility to select or create our own definition of ensō.

That is the reason for naming  the yoga studio and smoothie bar that is located in the heart of Miami Springs near the Miami International Airport..


Love, Peace and Many Blessings always from all of us at Enso…

Griset Cisneros
